
Madagascar at UNESCO

Madagascar is member of UNESCO since 10th november 1960, represented then by bilateral Ambassador, cumulating this function with that of Permanent Delegate to UNESCO.
Since 1994, an independent Permanent Delegation with an Ambassador accredited specifically to UNESCO was created. The installation of the Delegation takes account of the will to reinforce and develop collaboration with the Organization and the participation in the multilateral co-operation in the fields of competence of UNESCO.
The Malagasy Delegation is made up an Ambassador and counsellors attached to the Education Ministry and to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.

Malagasy Ambassadors at UNESCO since 1960

Bilateral ambassadors:
- Mr. Albert Rakoto Ratsimamanga.
- Mr. Armand Rajaonarivelo
- Mr. Henri Raharijaona
- Mr. Jean Ernest Bezaza
- Mr. François de Paul Rabotoson
- Mr. Raymond Raoelina
Ambassadors, Permanent delegates of Madagascar to UNESCO, since 1994:
- Mr. Jacob Imbe
- Mr. José Vianney
- Mrs. Yvette Rabetafika Ranjeva
- Mrs. Irène Rabenoro

40, rue du Général Foy - 75008 PARIS

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